Migrating Some Stuff From Quora

The first time I wrote an angry post about Quora here was in 2018. Already then, I said that I am leaving that site after writing there for about six years and receiving the “Top Writer” designation several times. Almost six more years have passed since then, during which I still kind of tried to find may way back to this once-great website and ultra-naïvely hoping that its management will come to its sense. But no, there’s no turning back. Quora’s dead, it’s way out of my power to try to save it, and I really should stop thinking that it will return to its past glory.

I did, however, write some things there that may be useful for other people (or at least myself?), so I’ll copy them here. I really should have started doing it earlier.

Also, this is a good opportunity to mention how awesome wordpress.com is. It just quietly goes on, providing free hosting and not trying to drown me in advertising, algorithmic feeds, monetization, LLMs, or other nonsense. Thank you, WordPress. It’s a miracle that you exist. (I hope I don’t jinx it.)

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